Journey to Larkyn

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Day three with Larkyn

This is an old POW prison from the Vietnam War. We took this picture from our bedroom window. If you look close you can see glass embedded on the top of the outside wall, and the bars on the windows. We are going to try to go to the museum tomorrow. We were on our way to the first Embassy Appointment. Larkyn slept the whole time. She is such a good baby! A few of us got together for dinner at the Hoa Soa Restaurant, it is in the Old French Quarter. We had our own room which was a good thing. The babies were taking turns crying and we were tag teaming with them. It was great!

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

More on the G and R Day

Hi everyone! I want to fill you in more on Larkyn's Giving and Receiving Day. We left the hotel at about 6:00am and got back here a little after 8:00 that evening. It was a very long and exciting day. They have road construction going on so that added to the length of the trip. As you can see from the pictures the country side is beautiful!! Larkyn's Province (Tuyen Quang) is North West of Hanoi, up in the mountains. So in the pictures you will notice as we go along there are more mountains also the livestock changes. Closer to Hanoi you see those brown oxen are everywhere as we got closer to Larkyn's province we saw only the Blue Oxen. They are so cool looking. The people would be on the side of the road with them or in the fields working with them. You notice the houses are tall and very thin but long. The reason is because road frontage is more expensive so the build then tall and narrow. Also there are little shack type homes. The picture that is kind of blury that looks like a yellow arch is the gate to the orphanage Larkyn was at. The building has three big doors on the front the fist door goes to the tiny baby room, the middle door is where Larkyn was (babies a couple of months old and up) and the last door is the toddler's room.
When we got there everyone was either being handed their baby or looking for them. I went over to one of the cribs and saw Larkyn right away. She looked just like the pictures we have of her, she has such a distinctive face. The doctor at the SOS Clinic said he that she would be an actress someday because her face is so expressive. After we all found our babies we changed their cloths and went to the Giving and Receiving Ceremony. There we signed the big offical record keeping book and the adoption papers. It is a very nice little ceremony for each family. Then we went across the street to have lunch. The orphanage Director and the caregivers all came with us. They brought out all kinds of food, I couldn't tell you what it was, but it was good. Then we headed back to the orphanage to visit while our guild went to take care of paperwork. The caregivers were so nice, we took lots of pictures and a couple of them gave us their address to mail pictures to them. They had such a hard time letting the babies go, they cried through out the day and kept getting the babies from us to hold them. The trip home was so long because we were all so tired, but it was a wonderful day. While Larkyn's caregiver was holding her I sat down by the little two year old girl that is in my lap in one of the pictures. She was so sweet and quite, she almost went to sleep in my lap. I had to have that picture of her because I wanted to take her home too. It was hard to leave her. :(

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

First Day with Larkyn

Hi everyone, here are the pictures from our first full day with Larkyn. She had stomach ache in the morning but by the afternoon was feeling great. Her little personality is really starting to show. We took her to the SOS clinic, she has a rattling in her chest,the doctor said it is a cold and it is not in her lungs so just watch her and it should clear up. She weighs only a little more than 9 lbs. That puts in the vary lowest percentile on the growth chart "the smallest of the small," as the doctor put it but, she is healthy and very alert and smart. She loves to talk and smile. Her favorite thing is the Pooh bear that her pacifier is connected to, and the pacifier of coarse. We are going to our first Embassy appointment tomorrow. Change of plans they just called and we are to be down stairs at 2:00 for our first Emabassy appointment so I can't fill you in on yesterday now. I'll try again later. : )

Larkyn's Giving and Receiving Day

Hi everyone!! There is so much I want to say about this day but I am too tired so, enjoy the slideshow for now.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Day two in Hanoi!

This was Saturday for us and Friday for you.

The water puppet show was really neat we took video of it but, I am not sure if I allowed to post it.

We go get Larkyn in the morning so we are just staying here in the hotel today, resting. The next set of pictures we will post will be of Larkyn and the Giving and Recieveing Ceremony (this is the adoption), her Province/orphanage and the trip to her Province. I will be making bottles this evening!!! Can't wait!

Friday, August 24, 2007

We made it to Hanoi!!

Hi everyone, we are happy to say we made it. Today is Saturday for us but it is Friday night for all of you at home. We got here about 11:00 AM yesterday which was Thursday for you and Friday for us. We were too tired to try to hook up Internet and blog. Another couple in our group was on our flight from Taipei. Our guide for our Agency picked us up from the airport to drive us to the hotel. Wow!! What a ride. I have read blogs from people here, and have told most of you about the traffic here and the lack of driving rules for traffic in Hanoi, but nothing I read or heard about it comes close to the real thing when you are actually here. Our guide told us how to say the name of the province where Larkyn is living. She is in Tuyen Quang province. Pronounced (to in quang) very fast. In Texas we tend to draw out what we say, they do not do that here, they put it all together and say it fast. Also I learned Larkyn's Vietnamese name is not pronounced the way we thought. It is not Le like we would say it with a long e sound, it is said with a short e sound. So it is a totally different name than we thought but, a very pretty name all the same. We also learned that Le means beautiful in Vietnamese, which she is of course. Here are the pictures from yesterday...enjoy.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

We are going to get Larkyn!!!

We leave tomorrow!!

Our Giving and receiving ceremony is set for Monday which happens to be Joe's birthday. What a great present he will get! We can hardly believe this is really going to happen. Our bags are packed and I hope I can sleep tonight. It won't be long and we will have our baby in our arms.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Larkyn's Baby Shower

Thanks to Shelia, Julie, Jacque, and Lynne (and not to forget thier helpers too) we had a beautiful baby shower. It was so good to see all my old and dear friends again. Check out the T-shirts, everyone was so creative each shirt is as uniqe as the person who created it's design.
Enjoy the slide show.

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Slide Show of Pets

Yeah!!! It worked thanks Lisa for your help. This is Bo, Jiggy, Gizmo, and Pyper. This will be a great way to share pictures while we are in Vietnam.

Friday, August 03, 2007

Our Pets/Trying out photo options

I am trying out some different ways to post pictures to get ready for our trip. So here are some pet pictures.

This is Pyper, such a sweet dog!

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This our princess/spoiled brat Jiggy, but we love her that way.